Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Here is a video clip of Daddy and son dancing... Please don't be jealous of my husbands' musical skills...

Thursday, April 23, 2009

I Can Swim!!!

Cuatro's first time in the pool. I know he looks serious, but he is a serious swimmer. There is hope, Michael Phelp's watch out....

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Okay, it has been awhile...

You could counsel me on my lack of posts, but until you spend a day with a little man who craves your love and attention, only then would you understand. Oh-yeah, and I crave it too. So my friend updated her blog, so I thought, I might as well do mine. What have we been up to? Well to start, we tipped the scales at 16 lbs last week and have transitioned into 6-9 month clothes, so to say the least, someone in this house isn't missing any meals. We recently had visitors and made our first trip to Disney. Cuatro loved every minute of it, every show we attended he loved the lights and music, which usually put him to sleep. His cousins had a blast, Bennett and he will be so much fun in about 2 more years when they can defend themselves from all the girls. He loved seeing Grandma and Papa and being spoiled with love. He had some intense conversations with his Uncle (Teo) Michael, got lots of kisses from Ali, and he is still thanking his (Tia) Aunt Nilda for holding him when his mommies arms wanted to quit.

As far as what does little Cuatro spend his days doing. He loves to play in his exersaucer, mainly because he can suck on every toy. Speaking of sucking, he eats everything now that comes within a foot of him. Burp Cloth, toys, breasts (anyones), his hands, my hands, my nose, daddies face, he really isn't choosy. As a mom I learned, drool tastes like warm water, and it looks divine on every shirt. Cuatro found out he has toes and are the focus of his fun whenever he is sitting around, why buy toys, when you have toes? He has potential to be a great soccer player, when we nap, he easily can kick me out of bed with one good front kick to the belly. He talks to everything now, me, his toys, his toes, the light on the ceiling, really doesn't matter, as long as they listen. Teething has begun, I praying the teeth stay in hiding a while longer though, I am not quite ready to start washing bottles. Well that is about it for now... What does our future look like? We will be in Okracoke for Uncle Nick and Aunt Noelle's wedding, if your wondering where Okracoke is, the middle of the ocean:) Then this summer we will be stopping by DC to visit sometime and Michigan in July for Alpinefest and some polka dancing. Hopefully during our travels we can see many family and friends.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Time is Flying By...

Wow, I can't believe our little man is nearly 8 weeks old... His latest weigh in was 13 lbs 5 ozs. I am starting to believe this little guy has hope for the NFL. I can't remember what life was like without having my little blessing by my side all day, and I wouldn't change it for the world. His smiles and attempts at conversation melt my heart all day and keep me laughing. I never thought I could have a conversation all day long with someone who just smiles at laughs at me. We started powerwalking this week, I love it... The 45 minutes flies by with my little man staring up at me and laughing the whole time as I stride it out. I often wander what he is thinking... Crazy mommy, why is she breathing funny? Nutso lady, why does she make faces at me the whole time and talk in funny voices that resemble bad cartoon characters? Where are we rushing to, she acts like there is and ice cream palace around the corner? The pics of him naked in his carseat are mommies fault and a lesson learned. Always take extra clothes, even when were power walking. I hope everyone is enjoying the change in weather and has a Happy Valentines Day.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Peek-a-boo video

Here is El Cuatro's video of peek-a-boo. His skills amaze me. He turned 6 weeks old yesterday and time is flying by.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Look How I have Grown

My pictures from 1 week old and 1 month.... Boy I have grown...

One Month, time flies...

It is with mixed emotions that I report on our 1st month home. I am so happy and in love with our baby, that it makes me sad, as the month has flown by. He is now 11 and half pounds and 23 inches long. At his last doctors appointment, he spent time flirting with all the nurses, much like his daddy. He displayed his tummy time skills of looking around and pushing up with his hands, the doctor commented that he acts like a 2 month old. My true joy in the morning is to wake up to his cooing and smiles, it amazes me how he reacts to our funny faces and when we tell him how much we love him. We couldn't ask for a better little man, he manages to sleep 4-5 hours at night, and following a feeding, will often sleep again for 4 hours. I haven't let him know that this is not normal, as I fear he will change his mind. I have read how hard the first month is, but I have to be honest when I say... I love every minute, yes we spend a lot of time eating and cuddling, but I have waited my whole life for such a blessed little gift, I wouldn't change one bit.